A collection of excerpts containing chronologically issued answers to some of the questions submitted by individual believers and institutions


“the enthusiasm, effectiveness and devotion with which the teaching work is carried on” - 16 December 1976

There are, of course, many ways of teaching, and each believer should follow the methods to which he feels best suited. The important matter is not so much the method but the enthusiasm, effectiveness and devotion with which the teaching work is carried on. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter from dated December 16, 1976, to the International Teaching Center, in an unpublished compilation prepared by the International Teaching Center; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Establishing private Baha’i schools - 2 December 1976

The grave problems faced by Bahá'í parents and children, when the children must attend schools that are strongly influenced by the degradation of present-day society, are fully appreciated. However, the only ways to completely overcome these dangers would seem to be either to effect a reform of the entire non-Bahá'í educational system or to provide a world-wide network of Bahá'í schools. Both ways are very longterm projects beyond the capacity of the Bahá'í community at this time. Already, of course, Bahá'í communities are establishing primary or tutorial schools in many parts of the world, but these are small and few in number and are located where there are such conditions as general illiteracy among the believers or where no other schools are available to them. Undoubtedly, in time, this process will gain momentum and Bahá'í schools of ever higher quality and scope will be established in country after country, as has already occurred in India, but, necessarily, this must now be a gradual process related, among other things, to the resources of the community, the number of Bahá'í children needing education, and the availability of other suitable schools. Perhaps in certain parts of the United States there are sufficiently large concentrations of Bahá'í children to make the running of a private Bahá'í school feasible -- such a proposal has, indeed, been made by a number of individual believers in Alaska, principally teachers, but we stressed in that instance that, if implemented, it should be conducted as a private venture and that the people concerned should give very careful consideration to all the factors involved before initiating it; furthermore we pointed out to them their opportunities for improving the schools in which they themselves worked. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated December 2, 1976, to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


“services of the Auxiliary Board members and their assistants” - 2 December 1976

One of the most potent aids to the consolidation of local communities and Assemblies and the deepening of the faith of the believers, is the services of the Auxiliary Board members and their assistants. Here is an institution of the Faith, reaching into every locality, composed of firm believers who know the area they have to serve and are familiar with its problems and potentialities -- an institution expressly designed to encourage and reinforce the work of the Spiritual Assemblies, to enthuse the believers, to stimulate them to study the Teachings and apply them in their lives -- a body of Bahá'ís whose efforts and services will complement and support the work being done by your committees and by the Local Assemblies themselves in every sphere of Bahá'í endeavor. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated December 2, 1976, to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


“what is most imperative for the promotion of the spiritual life of local Bahá'í communities is the stimulation of the believers to increase their devotion to Bahá'u'lláh, their absolute reliance upon Him and upon His love, and their determination to apply His teachings in every aspect of their lives” - 2 December 1976

[Y]ou instance the difficulties of local communities which are faced with the task of reorienting and integrating into the Cause new believers who enter with all sorts of immoral and even criminal tendencies from their former life. This is indeed difficult, but this is the very stuff of the work of the Cause. The Bahá'í Faith not only provides teachings in accordance with which the behavior of human beings can be reformed, but also makes available a spiritual power which reinforces the devoted efforts of every believer, whether veteran or neophyte. Arising to serve the Cause has, itself, a transforming effect upon believers, as the beloved Guardian wrote with respect to service upon Spiritual Assemblies: "If we but turn our gaze to the high qualifications of the members of Bahá'í Assemblies, as enumerated in ‘Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablets, we are filled with feelings of unworthiness and dismay, and would feel truly disheartened but for the comforting thought that if we arise to play nobly our part every deficiency in our lives will be more than compensated by the all-conquering spirit of His grace and power." Thus, what is most imperative for the promotion of the spiritual life of local Bahá'í communities is the stimulation of the believers to increase their devotion to Bahá'u'lláh, their absolute reliance upon Him and upon His love, and their determination to apply His teachings in every aspect of their lives. This stimulation can be conveyed from heart to heart and mind to mind by devoted Bahá'ís without the need of formal training. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated December 2, 1976, to a National Spiritual Assembly, in Messages from the Universal House of Justice, 1963-1986: The Third Epoch of the Formative Age, p. 349; compilation: ‘Guidelines for Local Spiritual Assemblies’ prepared by NSA of USA)


“soul appears at conception” - 29 November 1976

It should be pointed out, however, that the Teachings state that the soul appears at conception, and that therefore it would be improper to use a method, the effect of which would be to produce an abortion after the conception has taken place. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated November 29, 1976, to a Local Spiritual Assembly; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


“Abortion and surgical operations for the purpose of preventing the birth of unwanted children” - 29 November 1976

Abortion and surgical operations for the purpose of preventing the birth of unwanted children are forbidden in the Cause unless there are circumstances which justify such actions on medical grounds, in which case the decision, at present, is left to the consciences of those concerned who must carefully weigh the medical advice in the light of the general guidance given in the Teachings. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From alLetter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated November 29, 1976, to a Local Spiritual Assembly; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Children in care of Baha’is attending Baha’i functions - 31 October 1976

The Universal House of Justice has received your letter of 11 October 1976 inquiring whether children placed in the home of Bahá'ís for temporary or prolonged care are permitted to attend Bahá'í functions, and we have been asked to inform you that such children may be permitted to attend the Nineteen Day Feasts and other Bahá'í functions, and that no distinction should be made between them and the children of Bahá'ís in this regard. 

The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 31 October 1976 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a Bahá'í group; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, The Nineteen Day Feast)


“the two Auxiliary Boards must have distinct but complementary functions” - 10 October 1976

The beloved Guardian's message of October 1957 clearly indicates that the two Auxiliary Boards must have distinct but complementary functions. In that message he charges the Protection Board with 'the specific duty of watching over the security of the Faith' and says that the duty of the Propagation Board would 'henceforth be exclusively concerned with assisting the prosecution of the Ten- Year Plan.'

It must also be borne in mind that these twin agencies derive their complementary functions from one and the same source, are interrelated, and their members act as 'deputies', 'assistants' and 'advisers' of the Hands of the Cause of God, and, now, the Continental Boards of Counsellors. It is further clear that Shoghi Effendi was reluctant to specify in too great detail matters related to the functioning of the Auxiliary Boards, preferring to leave such things to be worked out in the light of experience. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter to the International Teaching Centre, October 10, 1976; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“The primary tasks of the Propagation Boards” - 10 October 1976

The primary tasks of the Propagation Boards, however, are to direct the believers' attention to the goals of whatever plans have been placed before them, to stimulate and assist them to promote the teaching work in the fields of proclamation, expansion, consolidation and pioneering, to encourage contributions to the funds, and to act as standard-bearers of the teachers of the Faith, leading them to new achievements in the diffusion of God's Message to their fellow human beings. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated October 10, 1976, to the International Teaching Center; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Which matters should be referred to which Auxiliary Board member - 10 October 1976

The question has been raised as to how Local Spiritual Assemblies and individual believers are to know which matters they should refer to which Auxiliary Board member. We feel that this will be worked out at the local level in the light of experience, and that meanwhile the Assemblies and believers should not concern themselves unduly about it. They should feel free to refer to either Board, and if the Auxiliary Board member feels that the matter would better have been referred to his colleague, he can either himself pass the question on, or suggest the different approach to the Assembly or believer. This is similar to the situation, already familiar to Board members, when they have referred to them a matter which should properly be dealt with by a National Spiritual Assembly or one of its committees. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated October 10, 1976, to the International Teaching Center; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Registration of Baha’i children where one parent is not a Baha’i - 3 October 1976

It is within the discretion of your National Spiritual Assembly to determine whether children should be registered as Bahá'ís in cases where one parent is not a Bahá'í. Although children of Bahá'í parents, under age 15, are generally considered Bahá'ís, there may be circumstances in which they should not be registered as such, and this is also left to your discretion. Local Spiritual Assemblies should help by advising the parents to consider it one of their primary obligations to raise their children in a spirit of love and dedication towards the Faith. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated October 3, 1976; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Restoration of voting rights - 21 September 1976

When believers who have been deprived of their voting rights have moved into the area of jurisdiction of another National Spiritual Assembly they are under the jurisdiction of that Assembly. When they apply for the restoration of their voting rights that Assembly should correspond with the National Assembly which applied the sanction in order to obtain the full particular of the case and also any views the Assembly may have on the matter of restoration. It is then for the National Assembly in whose jurisdiction the believers are living to decide the matter and take action accordingly.

In answer to the second question in your letter of 17 May 1976, no hard and fast rule can be laid down. It can happen, for example, that voting rights are removed mistakenly and the incorrect action of the Assembly is the basis for the believer's application for their restoration. If the voting rights have been removed justifiably it is generally sufficient for the believer to take the necessary actions to have them restored; his application for restoration and compliance with the requirements of Bahá'í law are sufficient evidence of repentance. However, if the Assembly sees that the believer does not understand the reason for the deprivation and has a rebellious attitude it should endeavor to make the matter clear to him If his attitude is one of contempt for the Bahá'í law and his actions have been in serious violation of its requirements, the Assembly may even be justified in extending the period of deprivation beyond the time of the rectification of the situation -- but such cases, by their nature, are very rare. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of Peru, September 21, 1976; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Responsibilities of Spiritual Assemblies in administering Baha’i Marriage - 2 September 1976

In considering the acceptability of the witnesses the Assembly must be satisfied as to their reliability. Pertinent to this is the reply given by Bahá'u'lláh when asked for a definition of the qualifications of those who may be called upon to give testimony or bear witness. His reply was that a witness must be of "good reputation among men," and "the testimony of followers of any faith is acceptable to God." 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated September 2, 1976, to an individual believer; compilation: NSA of USA - Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)

“With reference to the matter of the consent of the parents to a Bahá'í marriage; as this is a vital binding obligation, it is the duty of the Assemblies to ascertain, before giving their sanction, that the consent obtained has been given freely by the parents themselves.” 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, in ‘Principles of Bahá'í Administration’)

We must recognize that Bahá'u'lláh established institutions which are the bulwark of His World Order. One of these is the Local Spiritual Assembly which, amongst its other responsibilities, is called upon to administer the laws governing marriage. Although it is not necessary to obtain "permission" to marry from the Assembly, there are certain requirements which must be met before a Bahá'í marriage can take place, such as presentation to and acceptance by the Assembly of consent of all living natural parents and whatever civil documents, if any, are necessary according to local law. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated September 2, 1976, to an individual believer; compilation: NSA of USA - Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


“not possible to shorten the period of waiting” - 18 July 1976

It is not possible to shorten the period of waiting as this is a provision of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated July 18, 1976; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Developing “the characteristics of Bahá'í community life” in places “ where the Bahá'ís form a majority or even the entire population of the village” - 27 July 1976

There are, at the present time, many villages in India, the Philippines, Africa, Latin America, etc., where the Bahá'ís form a majority or even the entire population of the village. One of the goals of the Five year Plan as you will recall, is to develop the characteristics of Bahá'í community life, and it is, above all, to such villages that the goal is directed. The Local Spiritual Assemblies of such villages must gradually widen the scope of their activities, not only to develop every aspect of the spiritual life of the believers within their jurisdiction, but also, through Bahá'í consultation, and through such Bahá'í principles as harmony between science and religion, the importance of education, and work as a form of worship, to promote the standards of agriculture and other skills in the life of the people. For this they will need the assistance of Bahá'í experts from other lands. This is a major undertaking, and is being started gradually wherever and whenever possible. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 27 July 1976 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. III, Social and Economic Development)


Developing “the characteristics of Bahá'í community life” in places “ where the Bahá'ís form a majority or even the entire population of the village” - 27 July 1976

There are, at the present time, many villages in India, the Philippines, Africa, Latin America, etc., where the Bahá'ís form a majority or even the entire population of the village. One of the goals of the Five year Plan as you will recall, is to develop the characteristics of Bahá'í community life, and it is, above all, to such villages that the goal is directed. The Local Spiritual Assemblies of such villages must gradually widen the scope of their activities, not only to develop every aspect of the spiritual life of the believers within their jurisdiction, but also, through Bahá'í consultation, and through such Bahá'í principles as harmony between science and religion, the importance of education, and work as a form of worship, to promote the standards of agriculture and other skills in the life of the people. For this they will need the assistance of Bahá'í experts from other lands. This is a major undertaking, and is being started gradually wherever and whenever possible. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 27 July 1976 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. III, Social and Economic Development)


“the times for prayer and fasting…in the high latitudes” - 27 July 1976

Concerning the times for prayer and fasting, it is correct that, in the high latitudes, where the lengths of day and night vary considerably from season to season of the year, it is permissible to observe the laws of prayer and fasting in accordance with the clock rather than with the rising and setting of the sun. As Iceland lies in such latitudes, it is for your Assembly to decide this matter for the believers in your country. All should then abide by whatever your Assembly lays down. 

 - The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly, July 27, 1976; ‘Notes on Obligatory Prayers Ablutions’, a compilation of the Universal House of Justice; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“exact context of the references quoted by Shoghi Effendi (in 'God Passes By') from the Bhagavad-Gita” - 12 July 1976

...we are requested to inform you that the House of Justice does not know the exact context of the references quoted by Shoghi Effendi (in 'God Passes By') from the Bhagavad-Gita, but if you have been unable to locate them in the book of that name it may be because the beloved Guardian was using the name of the book to stand for the entire Hindu Scripture, as it is common to refer to the entire Old Testament as the Torah, to the New Testament as the Gospel, or to the Báb's Revelation as the Bayan. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated July 12, 1976 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; compilation: ‘Holy Scriptures of previous Dispensations’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, attached to a letter dated 1 January 1981, written on behalf the House of Justice to an individual believer)


Participation in political affairs and activities aimed at eradication of injustice - 7 July 1976

Dear Baha'i friend,

The Universal House of Justice received your letter of 15 May conveying your thoughts on the need for Baha'is to become involved as may be necessary in political affairs and to participate in activities aimed at the eradication of injustice.  The sincerity which prompted you to write such a letter and to candidly express your sentiments deeply touched the Universal House of Justice.  We have been asked to convey its comments to you.

You ask if silence on the part of Baha'is will not allow chaos and human humiliation to be a permanent feature on earth, and state that shunning of politics by the Baha'is can but weaken the freedom fighters of the world. When viewing the conditions of our society we see a world beset by ills and groaning under the burden of suffering. This suffering, Baha'u'llah has Himself testified, is because the "body" of the world, "though created whole and perfect, has been afflicted, through divers causes, with grave ills and maladies," and "its sickness waxed more severe, as it fell under the treatment of unskilled physicians who have spurred on the steed of their worldly desires and have erred grievously." Baha'u'llah's statement in this passage concludes with the assertion that the "sovereign remedy" lies in turning and submitting to the "skilled," the "all- powerful," and "inspired Physician. This, verily, is the truth, and all else naught but error.


Baha’u’llah’s “mention of the ‘Men of Justice’ in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas” - 29 June 1976

To the general premise that women and men have equality in the Faith, this, as often explained by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, is a fundamental principle deriving from Bahá'u'lláh and therefore His mention of the "Men of Justice" in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas should be considered in light of that principle .... 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 29 June 1976 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, Women)


“individual psychology” - 21 June 1976

As for the system called individual psychology, there is nothing in the Writings which supports any particular theory of that science . . . Doubtless, in time, Bahá'ís of talent and scholarly bent who will have access to the full Texts of the Holy Writings will effect great progress in the development of psychology, as in other sciences, for the benefit of all mankind. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 21 June 1976 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)


“a tie for the ninth member of a National Spiritual Assembly” and “resignation of one of the members of the newly elected National Assembly”: - at National Convention - 13 June 1976

In the case of a tie for the ninth member of a National Spiritual Assembly, a vote can be held immediately at the Convention among the delegates present, to break the tie. However, if a vacancy is declared at the Convention because a resignation of one of the members of the newly elected National Assembly is accepted, a By-election must be called, i.e. all delegates must be given an opportunity to vote for someone to fill the vacancy. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated June 13, 1976, written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilations, ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“all members of the Spiritual Assembly are equal and should have access to the files and minutes of the Assembly” - 8 June 1976

In reply to your letter of May 13th, 1976, the Universal House of Justice instructs us to say that all members of the Spiritual Assembly are equal and should have access to the files and minutes of the Assembly of which they are members. It is, however, within the discretion of any Spiritual Assembly to so organize its files and records that certain items could be listed as "confidential" and access to those so classified could only be had by a specific decision of the Assembly itself. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated June 8, 1976; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition; and compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“an unforseen calamity”: “it would be fruitless to attempt to foresee the time or the nature of a calamity which Bahá'u'lláh Himself said was 'unforseen'” - 2 June 1976

The House of Justice points out that Bahá'u'lláh in no uncertain terms has said 'O ye peoples of the world! Know, verily, that an unforseen calamity followeth you, and grievous retribution awaiteth you. Think not that which ye have committed hath been effaced in My sight.' Therefore it considers that it would be fruitless to attempt to foresee the time or the nature of a calamity which Bahá'u'lláh Himself said was 'unforseen'. No doubt the remarkable progress being made in scientific endeavour holds true in the study by experts of geological upheavals. But we cannot be certain that predictions of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or tidal waves caused by such phenomena can be identified as the cataclysmic events to which Bahá'u'lláh refers.

In letters to other believers who have asked questions similar to yours, the House of Justice has emphasized that the friends should not waste their time and energies in fruitless speculations on this question. Rather, they should concentrate every ounce of energy on the winning of the goals of the Five Year Plan, which they have clearly before them, confident in the knowledge that whatever may happen in the world, however calamitous it may outwardly appear, will promote God's unalterable purpose for the unification of mankind. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer, June 2, 1976; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Prohibition against the use of marijuana - 3 May 1976

In reply to your letter of March 23, 1976, the Universal House of Justice instructs us to say that the word "marijuana" does not appear as such in our Sacred Scriptures. However, marijuana contains the same narcotic as hashish (hemp) and the same prohibition applies to its use as applies to the use of hashish. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated May 3, 1976, to an individual believer; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


“calamities have been and are occurring and will continue to happen until mankind has been chastened sufficiently to accept the Manifestation for this day” - 15 April 1976

You make reference to calamities and request specific answers if there are any as to when they may occur and with what magnitude. The House of Justice noted your comments that you have read what Bahá'u'lláh had to say about the collapse of the old world order and the coming of the new, and that in recent times friends returning from their pilgrimages spoke of meeting with Hands of the Cause and members of the House of Justice in which the coming of great world upheavals was related to a time 'around the end of the Five Year Plan and afterwards'. The House of Justice points out that calamities have been and are occurring and will continue to happen until mankind has been chastened sufficiently to accept the Manifestation for this day. 'Abdu'l-Bahá anticipated that the Lesser Peace could be established before the end of the twentieth century. However, Bahá'ís should not be diverted from the work of the Cause by the fear of catastrophes but should try to understand why they occur. The beloved Guardian, in innumerable places, has explained the reasons for these occurrences, and since they happen from time to time as explained above we should not be concerned as to when they occur. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer, April 15, 1976; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“The friends should not be unduly exercised” when books written against the Faith” appear; “no issue should be made of them” - 30 March 1976

...the Universal House of Justice instructs us to say that it is to be expected that books will be written against the Faith attempting to distort is teachings, to denigrate is accomplishments, to vilify is Founders and leaders and to destroy is very foundations. The friends should not be unduly exercised when these books appear and certainly no issue should be made of them. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, 30 March 1976 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Hong Kong; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. 1, Crisis and Victory)


Formal education of children “must begin at the age of five”; “mothers should read or sing to them verses of Bahá'u'lláh” at bed time - 24 March 1976

The Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá concerning the education of children refers particularly to their formal education which He says must begin at the age of five. The Master makes it clear that during the daytime children of that age and older should be looked after in a place where there are teachers. They should learn good conduct and be taught how to spell and to read and He indicates that spelling and reading can be learned by the use of simple games. Children of all ages can benefit from the guidance given to mothers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in which He advises that when the children are ready for bed their mothers should read or sing to them verses of Bahá'u'lláh so that from their earliest years the children will be educated by these words of the Blessed Beauty. The House of Justice adds that you should feel free to hold classes for children under the age of five provided you keep in mind that their attention span is relatively short and so the duration of their class periods should be measured accordingly. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the Spiritual Assembly of Newton, Kansas, March 24, 1976; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“The believer will be subject to sanctions if he should marry a third party within the year of patience” - 14 March 1976

The believer will be subject to sanctions if he should marry a third party within the year of patience, not only because it is a violation of the year of patience itself, but also because even though a civil divorce has been granted, the Bahá'í divorce cannot be granted until the end of the year of patience. For this reason no marriage is possible during the running of the year of patience unless the parties to the divorce remarry each other in a civil ceremony. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated July 18, 1973, quoted in the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada's Assembly Resource Compilation)

In cases in which your Assembly has decided that the believer was ignorant of the law requiring him to have a Bahá'í divorce before marrying another, and a civil divorce has already been obtained, your Assembly may in its discretion excuse him and he would be regarded as in the same status as one who obtained a divorce before becoming a Bahá'í. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated March 14, 1976; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


“a Bahá'í in good standing cannot marry a Bahá'í who has lost his voting rights” - 25 February 1976

A Bahá'í deprived of his voting rights cannot be married in a Bahá'í marriage ceremony; a Bahá'í in good standing cannot marry a Bahá'í who has lost his voting rights; the marriage of a Bahá'í who has lost his voting rights does not fall within the jurisdiction of a Bahá'í administrative institution.

In other words, Bahá'ís who have lost their voting rights cannot be constrained to Bahá'í administrative requirements although their consciences should lead them to act as closely to the standards and ordinances of Bahá'í life as possible. 

- The Universal House of Justice (Letter dated February 25, 1976 to a National Spiritual Assembly; cited by the International Teaching Center; compilations: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Baha’i wedding: any other ceremony should take place “within one twenty-four hour period” - 17 February 1976

As to cases involving another ceremony in addition to the Bahá'í one, the friends should bear in mind that according to Bahá'í Law the consummation of the marriage must take place within twenty-four hours of the Bahá'í marriage ceremony. If other marriage ceremonies are to be held in addition to the Bahá'í one, all the ceremonies must precede consummation of the marriage and, together with the consummation fall within one twenty-four hour period. Naturally any requirements of civil law as to the order in which the ceremonies should be held must be observed. 

The Universal House of Justice (From a letter to the International Teaching Center, February 17, 1976; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“a National Spiritual Assembly must operate from its National Haziratu'l-Quds”; “National Secretary to reside close to, if not in the National Haziratu'l-Quds itself” - 9 February 1976

The first principle which has been established is that a National Spiritual Assembly must operate from its National Haziratu'l-Quds, which is the official Seat of the National Spiritual Assembly. During the early formative years of the Faith and the building up of the Administrative Order it has been permitted in certain instances for the National Secretary to reside away from the city in which the National Haziratu'l-Quds is located, but in these cases the principle has always been enforced that the National Spiritual Assembly itself operated from its proper address at the National Haziratu'l-Quds ... The aim should be to overcome this anomaly and for your National Secretary to reside close to, if not in the National Haziratu'l-Quds itself. Inevitably the day will come when it will be necessary for your National Secretary to devote his entire time to the service of the National Spiritual Assembly and it will then be imperative for the Secretary to operate from the Haziratu'l-Quds. 

- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Dominican Republic, February 9, 1976; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“Auxiliary Board members' visiting Assemblies and groups in the respective areas served by them” - 4 February 1976

As you know, the beloved Guardian repeatedly emphasized the importance of Auxiliary Board members' visiting Assemblies and groups in the respective areas served by them. While details concerning the appointment and functioning of the members of Auxiliary Boards are left to the Counsellors, in light of the Guardian's instructions cited above, they should take into consideration, in making a new appointment, the advisability of that appointee residing in the area which he serves. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated February 4, 1976 to the International Teaching Centre; compilations: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


“the sale of alcoholic beverages by a business in which a Bahá'í is a partner with non-Bahá'ís” - 15 January 1976

We have found no explicit text or instruction of the beloved Guardian on such a situation (the sale of alcoholic beverages by a business in which a Bahá'í is a partner with non-Bahá'ís) and feel that it is one in which no hard and fast rules should be drawn at the present time. . . . We feel that this is a matter which needs to be decided in each case in the light of the spirit of the teachings and the circumstances of the case, and unless the situation is one which is endangering the good name of the Faith or is obviously a ruse on the part of the believer to evade the Bahá'í law, it should be left to the conscience of the believer concerned who should, of course, be informed of the Bahá'í teachings concerning alcohol and should make every effort to dissociate himself from such an activity.

The above (paragraph) concerns Bahá'ís who are already in partnerships dealing in such matters. It is, however, obvious that a Bahá'í who is not in such a situation should not enter into it. 

- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated January 15, 1976 to the International Teaching Center; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities’, prepared by NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


“no conflict between true religion and true science” - 26 December 1975

Just as there is a fundamental difference between divine Revelation itself and the understanding that believers have of it, so also there is a basic distinction between scientific fact and reasoning on the one hand and the conclusions or theories of scientists on the other. There is, and can be, no conflict between true religion and true science: true religion is revealed by God, while it is through true science that the mind of man "discovers the realities of things and becomes cognizant of their peculiarities and effects, and of the qualities and properties of beings" and "comprehendeth the abstract by the aid of the concrete". However, whenever a statement is made through the lens of human understanding it is thereby limited, for human understanding is limited; and where there is limitation there is the possibility of error; and where there is error, conflicts can arise. For example, at the present time many people are convinced that it is unscientific to believe in God, but, as human enlightenment progresses, the scientists and philosophers of the future will not be, in the words of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, "deniers of the Prophets, ignorant of spiritual susceptibilities, deprived of the heavenly bounties and without belief in the supernatural". 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 26 December 1975 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. III, Scholarship)


Local Spiritual Assemblies need to adopt goals - 24 December 1975

Many Local Spiritual Assemblies do not meet, because they do not know or see what they should meet about. A compilation on the functions of a Local Spiritual Assembly, or the By-Laws of a Local Assembly will not usually provide the impetus to the members to meet. one of the stipulations of the Five Year Plan is the desirability for each Local Assembly to have local goals. Just as there are international and national goals, there should be local goals for each Local Assembly and throughout the Bahá'í world. These goals, as indicated in our Naw-Ruz 1974 Message, can either be adopted spontaneously by the Local Assemblies, or assigned to them by the National Spiritual Assembly. The adoption of a local plan by the Local Assembly can exert a far-reaching influence on its work and on the life of the community. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From dated December 24, 1975 to a National Spiritual Assembly in Africa,; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Adoption of local goals, creation of assignment of committees, and announcement to the friends - 24 December 1975

When the goals are finally decided upon, it is important that they should be announced to the friends. It should be borne in mind that Shoghi Effendi longed to see every believer involved in Bahá'í service, so that universal participation may be achieved. It would be most effective if the Local Assembly, prior to such an announcement, would appoint local committees, to each of which a branch of activity or one or more of the local goals could be assigned. Such committees need not consist of many members. When the committee appointments are made, the Local Assembly will be fully prepared to announce its goals and its committee appointments to the community at a Nineteen Day Feast or a specially called meeting of the community. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (Letter dated December 24, 1975 to a National Spiritual Assembly; Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Impact of an adoption of a local plan on the community - 24 December 1975

The adoption of a local plan by the Local Assembly can exert a far-reaching influence on its work and on the life of the community. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (Letter dated December 24, 1975, to a National Spiritual Assembly; Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Age of maturity and membership of the Baha’i community - 12 December 1975

Upon attaining the age of fifteen a child becomes spiritually mature and is responsible for stating on his own behalf whether or not he wishes to remain a member of the Bahá'í community. If he does not then reaffirm his faith, he must be treated, administratively, as a non-Bahá'í. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (Letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated December 12, 1975; Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


“children of Bahá'í parents… before they are fifteen years old, are regarded as Bahá'ís” - December 1975

Both children of Bahá'í parents, and children who, with their non-Baha'i parents' consent, declare their faith in Bahá'u'lláh before they are fifteen years old, are regarded as Bahá'ís and it is within a Spiritual Assembly's discretion to request such children to undertake work of which they are capable in the service of the Faith, such as service on suitable committees. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (Letter dated December 1975, in Handbook for Local Spiritual Assemblies in Australia, 1980 version, p. 24; Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Burial of “non-Bahá'í relatives of believers or others” in a Baha’i cemetery - 3 December 1975

It is quite possible that non-Bahá'í relatives of believers or others may be permitted to be buried in a Bahá'í cemetery. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (Letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated December 3, 1975, in ‘Lights of Guidance’; Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Law of burial - 3 December 1975

As the law of burial, the Universal House of Justice suggest that you confine your statement to the following parts of this law which are now binding on the believers in the West:

(1) That must be buried, not cremated.

(2) That the prayer for the dead is to be recited for a believer of the age of 15 years or over. This, as you know, is the prayers which appears as number CLXVII in Prayers and Meditations by Bahá'u'lláh.

(3) That the body not be transported more than one hour's journey from the place of death. The method of transport is not specified, but the journey must not take longer than one hour. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (Letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of Ecuador, December 3, 1975; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Baha’i Holy Days: - shops or stores owned by Bahá'ís - 30 November 1975

The Universal House of Justice has received your letter of 17 November 1975 and in reply to your specific question, "May our Bahá'í-owned retail mattress store remain open in the care of our non-Bahá'í employees on the Holy Days when we refrain from working?", has instructed us to say that in shops or stores owned by Bahá'ís, the fact that they may have non-Bahá'ís in employment does not exempt the Bahá'í owners from closing their businesses on Bahá'í Holy Days. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (Letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated November 30, 1975, to an individual believer; Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


Procedure to decide which correspondence of NSA to be kept due to their historical value - 26 November 1975

The Universal House of Justice has received your letter of 13th November, 1975 asking about the policy to be followed for keeping correspondence and we have been asked to reply as follows:

While it is within the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly to decide which papers in its files are not of long-term value and to have them destroyed you should always bear in mind the historical value of your files. Letters which at this time seem to be of little value could prove to be of great interest to future historians of the development of the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh in the... We suggest that when your secretary has sorted out from among your files the papers which she feels could be destroyed, you should appoint a committee composed of members of your National Assembly to go over them with their historical value in mind and submit a recommendation to your National Assembly. Obviously, those records or letters needed for legal purposes should be retained. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, November 26, 1975; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Those deprived of their voting rights can not attendthe Nineteen Day Feast - 24 November 1975

In reply to your memorandum of 16 November 1975 requesting elucidation of a statement from the Guardian published on page 367 of Volume IV of "Amr va Khalq", " later instructions of the beloved Guardian clearly forbid attendance at the Nineteen Day Feast by those deprived of their voting rights and the quotation published in "Amr va Khalq" should therefore be replaced by another statement by the Guardian. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (24 November 1975, memorandum to the International Teaching Centre)