A collection of chronologically issued answers to some of the questions submitted by individual believers and institutions


Establishing a special fund by a believer to maintain Bahá'í tutors or institute teachers in villages - April 18, 1971

We greatly appreciate your desire to serve the Cause and at the same time honour the beloved Hand of the Cause and wonder whether more feasible plans would appeal to you. For instance, you might consider establishing a fund to maintain Bahá'í tutors in villages, who would teach not only reading and writing but the elements of the Faith as well. We have always stressed to those National Spiritual Assemblies which establish Teaching Institutes that at the present time such an Institute is a function and not necessarily a building and there are many places where such educational work can be pursued if a number of teachers can be supported. On the other hand, we have no idea of the size of the principal you have in mind for your endowment and wonder whether a very simple school where not only children but adult literary classes could be held, would meet your intention. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 18 April 1971 to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, Centers of Baha’i Learning)