A collection of excerpts containing chronologically issued answers to some of the questions submitted by individual believers and institutions


Factors LSA needs to consider when planning to acquire center - 28 January 1974

The . . . Assembly will also need expert advice as to the condition of any building they consider, the cost of rehabilitation, alterations, improvements and furnishings that would be in keeping with their new home. All these factors will bear on the total commitment they will have to undertake and their ability to meet it financially. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated January 28, 1974 to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilation: Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)


What to do when joining a political party is a requirement of employment - 28 December 1973

We have received your letter of 12 December 1973 concerning the problem of...who says that it is very difficult for him to keep his job as a teacher in a public school without being registered as a number of one of the political parties now in the government.

A similar question has arisen in some other countries, particularly in Africa where the one-party system is in use. Although we understand that there is more than one political party in your country, we think it would be helpful to you to have a summary of the instructions we have given to African Assemblies, and this is enclosed.

We suggest that ...'s case might offer your Assembly an opportunity to seek an appointment with the proper government official to explain the Bahá'í position on non-interference in political affairs, as well as on obedience and loyalty to government. Your approach should be to seek advice on what can be done in ...'s situation and in similar cases to avoid identification with party politics while at the same time showing the utmost loyalty to the government. Certainly this would afford your Assembly yet another opportunity to proclaim the Faith and its principles and seek the respect and understanding of the officials. 
- The Universal House of justice  (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of Bolivia, December 28, 1973; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


use of alcohol for common home illness remedies - 21 December 1973

Although it is clear from the teachings that the use of alcohol is permitted if it is prescribed by a physician for treatment purposes, we have not been able to find any instructions which permit its use in the preparation of home remedies for common illnesses. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of Ecuador, December 21, 1973; Compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Consent of natural parents by foster children - 11 December 1973

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 13. 1973 expressing concern that the provision of the Bahá'í marriage Law requiring consent of living natural parents creates a double standard in your family because you have adopted children as well as your own.

We appreciate your concern and are in sympathy with your worthy aspiration to attain unity in your family group. However, the unity of your family need not be imperilled because your adopted children when ready for marriage must obtain consent of their natural parents. Just as love for one person need not reduce the love one bears to another, so unity with the adoptive parents need not destroy nor reduce the unity a child may have with its natural parents, or vice versa. The characters and attitudes of the individuals concerned will have an effect upon this.

You also state that unless there is a broader concept of the meaning of ‘natural parent’, you feel the law creates disharmony. Perhaps the following extract from a letter written on behalf of the beloved Guardian by his secretary was quoted to you by your National Spiritual Assembly, but we draw your attention to that portion we have underlined because it refers to the special significance of the relationship between children and their natural parents.


Naturally aborted fetus should be buried - 3 December 3 1973

The letter from the Spiritual Assembly of . . . indicates that the miscarriage took place when the mother was approximately four months into her pregnancy, therefore, they could have been assured that they did the right thing in having the fetus buried. Also, it would have been helpful for the Assembly to know that the hospital policy of incinerating a naturally aborted fetus is not in keeping with Bahá'í law which prohibits cremation. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated December 3, 1973, to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilation: Developing Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)